Invoice USA: Commercial Invoice sample with requirements explained

A commercial invoice is a crucial document in international trade. It provides essential information about the goods being shipped, the seller, the buyer, the transaction, and more. When exporting to the USA or conducting business within the country, it’s vital to understand the elements that should be present on a commercial invoice.

Sample Commercial Invoice


  1. Shipper/Exporter: (The seller’s full name and address)
    XYZ Company Ltd.
    1234 Exporter St.
    London, UK, 56789
  2. Consignee: (The buyer’s full name and address)
    ABC Enterprises
    789 Importer Dr.
    New York, NY, USA, 12345
  3. Invoice Date: MM/DD/YYYY
  4. Invoice Number: 00123456
  5. Purchase Order Number: PO-78910
  6. Description of Goods: Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price 001 Blue Widget (Model A) 100 $10.00 $1000.00 002 Red Widget (Model B) 50 $12.00 $600.00
  7. Country of Origin: United Kingdom
  8. Harmonized Code: (Harmonized System Code for the items, essential for customs)
    001 – 1234.56.78
    002 – 1234.89.01
  9. Gross Weight: 150 kgs
  10. Net Weight: 130 kgs
  11. Number of Packages: 10 boxes
  12. Shipping Method: Air Freight
  13. Port of Entry: John F. Kennedy International Airport
  14. Payment Terms: Net 30 days
  15. Total Invoice Value: $1600.00
  16. Additional Information/Instructions: (Any special instructions or notes)
  17. Shipper’s Signature: ____________ Date: MM/DD/YYYY

Requirements Explained:

  1. Shipper/Exporter: The details of the company or individual sending the goods.
  2. Consignee: Details of the company or individual receiving the goods.
  3. Invoice Date: The date the invoice was created.
  4. Invoice Number: A unique identifier for the invoice.
  5. Purchase Order Number: If applicable, the number from the purchase order issued by the buyer.
  6. Description of Goods: Detailed information on the items being shipped.
  7. Country of Origin: The country where the goods were produced.
  8. Harmonized Code: A classification system for goods to determine duties and taxes.
  9. Gross/Net Weight: The weight of the shipment, both with and without packaging.
  10. Number of Packages: The total number of packages being sent.
  11. Shipping Method: How the goods are being transported (air, sea, rail, etc.)
  12. Port of Entry: The specific point of entry where the goods will be processed by customs.
  13. Payment Terms: The terms agreed upon for payment (e.g., due on receipt, net 30 days).
  14. Total Invoice Value: The complete value of the items in the shipment.
  15. Additional Information/Instructions: Any other pertinent details or special instructions.
  16. Shipper’s Signature: The seller or shipper’s signature, confirming the details on the invoice are correct.

When preparing a commercial invoice, always ensure that the information is accurate, clear, and consistent with any other accompanying documentation. Depending on the nature of the goods and specific U.S. import requirements, additional information may be required. It’s advisable to consult with a customs broker or check the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s guidelines for complete and updated requirements.

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